If I Were a Voice by Charles Mackay (Poem) - Thinkers, Writers & English Lovers Corner

If I Were a Voice
by Charles Mackay

If I were a voice, a persuasive voice,

That could travel the wide world through,

I would fly on the beams of the morning light,

And speak to men with a gentle might,

And tell them to be true.

I'd fly, I'd fly, o'er land and sea,

Wherever a human heart might be,

Telling a tale, or singing a song,

In praise of the right - in blame of the wrong.


If I were a voice, a consoling voice,

I'd fly on the wings of air,

The homes of Sorrow and Guilt I'd seek,

And calm and truthful words I'd speak

To save them from Despair.

I'd fly, I'd fly, o'er the crowded town,

And drop, like the happy sun-light, down

Into the hearts of suffering men,

And teach them to rejoice again.


If I were a voice, a convincing voice,

I'd travel with the wind,

And whenever I saw the nations torn

By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,

If I were a voice, a convincing voice,

I 'd travel with the wind,

And whenever I saw the nations torn

By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,

Or hatred of their kind,

I'd fly, I'd fly, on the thunder-crash,

And into their blinded bosoms flash.

And, all their evil thoughts subdued,

I'd teach them Christian Brotherhood.


If I were a voice, a pervading voice,

I'd seek the kings of Earth.

I'd find them alone on their beds at night

And whisper words that should guide them right

Lessons of priceless worth.

I'd fly swifter than the swiftest bird,

And tell them things they never heard

Truths which the ages for aye repeat

Unknown to the statesmen at their feet.


If I were a voice, an immortal voice,

I'd speak in the people's ear.

And whenever they shouted 'Liberty,'

Without deserving to be free,

I'd make their error clear.

I'd fly, I'd fly, on the wings of day,

Rebuking wrong on my world-wide way,

And making all the Earth rejoice-

If I were a voice-an immortal voice.




Tristan said…
I really like it and it has many rhymes that gives me excitement
And I'm giving it that it has content that you can read it every day or use it to speech choir for your performance.
Kendrick said…
I really like the sense of justice that the writer has and the motivation you can acquire through reading it and the realization that you need to be true to yourself to change society.
Lawrence said…
This poem can relate to us because it means "be proud of yourself," so thank you to the author for writing a poem that is so good that it can relate to each of us.
The author wants everyone to have a word we called 'Liberty' to have a voice that everyone can use to change social life, everyone who aren't true to their selves , everyone who don't have unity in their nations, Charles Mackay wants to have everyone a courage to speak for themselves, influence people and bring out social change.
Dave Flonasca said…
This poem by Charles Mackey aims to tell the reader or listener about if we had a persuasive voice why we didn't try to tell others about the truth or making them back into the light, and like the voice of love one that inspires one to live another day despite the challenges of yesterday the voice that can change the sight of one person in his/her life into positive way.
This poem also aims to tell that if were a voice we gonna use it to make a changes and help one another to see the truth and light in their life, and tell them to have faith and honor him our only king in heaven.
Klint Francis said…
The poem "If I Were a Voice" is expressing the idea of the speaker wishing they could use their voice to speak out and make a
difference in the world, it is a thought that is relatable to many people. The desire to use one's voice to make a positive impact and
bring about change is a common human
impulse, and the poem may resonate with
readers who have felt the same way.
I'd like to express my thoughts on this poem. I like how Charles Mackay said that what he would do if he were a persuasive voice. And also The meaning of this meaning of the poem is very inspiring for every students because it means "to be true to yourself and proud of yourself".
KarlGayatin said…
Charles Mackay poem wants to convince the audience to think and feel like him