Life Flight - Piece for Readers Theater Competition - Thinkers, Writers & English Lovers Corner

Life Flight

Human life is tragic.

We live in a place between.

One bread in the next.

We often track, maintain an illusion,

an illusion of love

through what we do,

through what we say,

how we enjoy ourselves,

All: It is an illusion.



Hi mommy!

I’m here, I’m only ¾ of an inch long.

I’m so little.

You don’t know me yet, but soon you will.

You’re going to be so proud of me mother.

I have all my organs.

Guess what mom. My hearts started beating today.

All: I’m alive.

I love the feeling of your heartbeat.

Every beat makes me feel so loved.

Makes me feel so important.

Makes me wanna dance.

I like it here,

All: inside you.



Guess what mommy!

You wont believe this.

Today I learned something new.

I learned how to suck my thumb.

It tastes so good.

I wish you could see me.

I look like a baby.

I’m so cute.

I’m sorry if I made you sick today.

I don’t like Mexican food.

I do like pickles and ice cream.

I know you love me mom.

But I’m still not big enough to survive outside my home.

That’s okay.

All: I feel safe.



GIRLS: Guess what mommy, I’m a girl.

BOYS: I’m a boy.

GIRL: I’m a girl.

I hope that makes you happy.

I just wanna make you happy.

Are you happy?

I started hearing today.

Do you have a dog?

I love to hear you laugh.

Seriously, that dog is getting into my nerves.

Are you okay?

You sound sad.

I don’t like it when you’re sad.

It makes me sad too.

I cry with you mom.

Even though you can’t hear me to cheer you up, I have a secret for you,

My favorite lullaby is

Your heart beating.

I can’t wait to hold your hand mommy.

ALL: I love you.



Mommy look, my hair is starting to grow.

I got hair!

It’s sore and fine but I better will have a lot of it.

Just like you mom.

I’ve spent a lot of time exercising too.

Look at these arms.

I’ve moved my arms and legs.

I wiggle my hands and toes.

My favorite is to kick and slide to the bottom.

ALL: I can’t wait to kiss your cheek.



You went to the doctor today.

That doctor’s mean.

He lied to you.

He called me blob. Do I look like a blob?

I am a baby!

I am alive!

I’m your baby.

I think and feel.

Don’t you know this?

Wait mommy, what is that word I heard?

GIRLS: What, what is…

BOYS: abortion.

Heeey, it doesn’t matter. You’ll never do anything to harm me.

ALL: Goodnight.



I could hear that doctor again.

Oh no. Not him.

Wait, what is he doing?

What is that?

What is that poking into my home?

Mommy, what’s going on?

It burns mommy. It burns.

It’s hurting me.

Make it stop!

I can’t get away from it!

ALL: Mommy.

All: Don’t you want me? Mommy no. Mommy stop.




I still love you.

Because of abortion

My eyes will never see your face.

My arms will never give you a hug.

My feet will never take the first step.

My legs will never dance at my prom.
Because of abortion
My lips will never kiss you on your cheek
My mouth will never whisper I love you.
My fingers will never wrap around you.
My heart will never be fast because of abortion.
Never get to share with me about Jesus
Never got to see my heart give to HIM.
You never got to see me grow in God’s purpose.
ALL: I forgive you.
Before I formed you in your mother’s womb
I knew you
Before you were born
I knew you
I set you apart













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