Sample Opening Remarks for Completion Program - Thinking, Writing, Sharing, Learning

Sample Opening Remarks 


THEME: Pursuing Dreams and Fostering Resilience in the face of Adversity

My respect to our distinguished guests, Miss Ivyll S. Salimbagat, CPA, respected West District Supervisor, Ma’am Juliet V. Villa, MaEd, Ma’am Naneth Canto, our dedicated district nurse, to our kind and supportive School Director, Fr. Ludwin L. Alerta, DCK, PhD. Ed.D, to our esteemed School Principal, Ma’am Arlene L. Gente, LPT, to our sprightly Senior High school coordinator, Jose Eduard C. Lozada, competent advisers and teachers, committed parents, beloved completers and movers, friends, a splendid morning to all.

I feel extremely honored and privileged to open this auspicious occasion, the moving up and recognition ceremony of our completers and grade 7, 8, 9 and 11 students with our theme: K to 12 Graduates: Pursuing Dreams and fostering Resilience in the face of Adversity.

All of us had been greatly tested caused by the many changes brought about by the health crisis which led to a lot more crises; economic crisis, moral crisis, food crisis to name a few.

Some gave up! But many of you, did not. Dear students, completers, parents and teachers, our presence today is our irrefutable proof of the resilience of each one of us. Today, we can proudly claim that there is nothing that can pin us down in pursuing our dreams.

And so today, we come together as one big family, the Notre Dame of Arakan, Inc. family, to celebrate our triumph over all the hurdles and challenges we faced in the last two years due to pandemic.

Today, we have this program as a thanksgiving to all who have been a great part of our success: Our administrators, teachers, parents, relatives and friends who have helped us one way or another and most importantly, our Almighty father for bestowing us love for Him as our creator and God, for ourselves, for our fellow, for knowledge, for work, for peace, for harmony, for all that is good. We believe it is what sustained us up until now.

Congratulations dear students and parents, now you will reap the fruits of your hard work. Our children are the future of tomorrow. These students who will move up to the next level and receive recognition for their efforts, talents and skills will be our next leaders. It is our utmost desire that we will be able to produce responsible citizens of our country. Dearest students, you have already made us very proud with your achievements. May you continue to make us proud by growing up to be persons of success and great values.

We believe you can be the persons our God would like you to be. And let this be your guiding principle: Whatever you do, do it with love.

Thank you and good morning once again.




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