Moving Towards Excellence and Unity (Oration) - Thinkers, Writers & English Lovers Corner

Moving Towards Excellence and Unity

by: Mary Joy Eborda Tabirao

My heart is overwhelmed with hope and happiness because of this given opportunity to share what is in my mind and heart. For the past weeks, I have been thinking of the possibilities and the goodness it will bring to each of us and my mind flooded with excitement.

I always get teary eyed every time I see all of us, bringing the name of our respective section, from different places with different principles and beliefs gather together for an event that will bring us to the realization of a long-sought dream and vision that is common to all.

We dreamed of a place where people though diverse in so many aspect reached excellence and unity - Excellent in our way of living with the excellent implementation of plans and projects by our government leaders, excellent in following our norms and morals, in our manners and most importantly, excellent in our relationship with one another. We long for a place where everyone is respecting each other’s differences while recognizing one another’s similarities.

 For half of my life since I’ve learned how to reason I’ve seen how different people from different organizations of different places worked towards its attainment and I’ve seen how they failed. I felt sad. I asked myself – why is it so hard to achieve what’s destined by God for mankind? In my young mind I tried to look for the answer why they were unsuccessful. Isn’t it that God wills unity? Then why can’t we live harmoniously with one another? Why is it so hard to achieve understanding and unity among us?

People have tried to go back to point out the reason for our disarray. They have agreed and identified its causes- that it is because of our different religious affiliation, of our mentality, we prioritize the acquisition of power and wealth more than the acquisition of ally which resulted to dynastic rivalries, to disparities among us.

We may say nothing is so easy to achieve in this world since we are only humans. We are bound to commit mistakes. But however we may justify the beginnings of disunion it is heartbreaking that it still continue. And it has become even more disappointing for our attention has been diverted to justifying its causes rather than looking for its solution.

But indeed, God is good, all the time. As the song goes, ‘God makes ways when there seems to be no way.’ He is always leading us back to the right path. And today, I am overwhelmed with happiness for I am seeing that we are moving towards our goal, our dream, to what we have envisioned- towards excellence and unity. We have all the means. We have the power. The people who mold young minds, our teachers, the front liners towards getting there are doing their part. We are on the right track. We are equipped with knowledge and values necessary for our quest. To the educators, you already have implanted in us the pip of desire to live harmoniously with our fellow beings and with all the creation. But life is difficult and sometimes we are hard-headed. Dear teachers, do not waver. Educate us; guide us that we will be the instrument towards its attainment. To my fellow youth, the seed of love, sportsmanship, excellence and unity that is in us will not grow by itself. It needs to be watered, cultivated and nourished. While gifted with intelligence, privilege and wealth of wisdom let this be our share, so that the efforts that our mentors have exerted will bear fruit. Let’s make a difference. Now!


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